Saturday, August 21, 2010

Prunes- It's What's For Dinner!

Julia has graduated to prunes!

Actually, it turns out that Julia's rice cereal is fortified with iron, and caused a little bit of a back up (if you know what I mean). I fed her about half a tablespoon of rice cereal every day this past week. Poor little one didn't poop for like 4 days.

Problem solved when Momma found pureed prunes at the grocery store! I guess I'm gonna hold off on the rice cereal and start with fruits and veggies instead.

After doing some research, I discovered that the iron in breast milk is more easily absorbed than the iron fortified cereals. Even though there is technically less iron in breast milk than baby cereals, breast fed babies get more iron from breast milk than cereal.

As long as Jules' main diet is breast milk, I'm not too concerned about her iron intake. I surely don't want her to be constipated and uncomfortable. Happy Baby = Happy Mommy!

Prunes are also good cut up in oatmeal, I discovered. Did you know that prunes have more antioxidants than blueberries? Prunes are also good for baking. I made a great German chocolate (carob) cake once using prunes. I found the recipe in a Vegetarian Times magazine a long time ago when I was vegan. Here's the recipe:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Soaked Oats Experiment

I was diagnosed as having IBS a couple of years ago, and it seems to have gotten worse since having a baby. I have really been at a loss since I am not eating dairy, and cutting way back on sugar has not seemed to have helped. Probiotics haven't made any significant improvement either- in fact, I gave up on them because I haven't been able to find any w/o diary and soy.

Last night it occurred to me that my *strange* love of raw and undercooked oats could be part of my problem. I remembered reading something about soaking oats before cooking them, and dug out my "Nourishing Traditions" cookbook by Sally Fallon to investigate.

To paraphrase the info I found: soaking/fermenting whole grains neutralizes their phytic acid, thereby helping with vitamin absorption, and increasing nutrional value. While eating un-soaked/fermented whole grains can block the absorption of minerals, which can lead to mineral deficiencies, bone loss, and irritable bowel syndrome. Whoa!

I decided to give it a try. I set out a bowl of old fashioned oats, covered them in water, wrapped the bowl in plastic wrap, and soaked overnight- about 10 hours. This morning I actually heated them for 5 minutes on the stove, rather than my usual minute in the microwave. The texture was slightly chewy, but not gummy like I'd expected. Tomorrow I'm going to try adding the acidic component- a dash of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and soak the oats a full 24 hours. If it helps my IBS, I'm all for it!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hallelujah & Billy Blanks

I'm taking the health "kick" to a new level! I have recently started up Tae Bo again in an effort to have more energy and fit into my closet full of too-tight clothes. Motivation does not come easily when I am tired from lack of sleep, and not feeling well from a poor diet. Well, I'm on the health wagon once again, and I'm gonna ride this one out!

Funny how exercising gives me the desire to eat more veggies and less sugar. I have tried cutting out sugar numerous times, and always relapse back into my sweet addiction. I'm not one for artificial sweeteners (or any "food" that was concocted in a laboratory). Joe affectionately calls me a hippie, but I think I made a believer out of him when I switched his vanilla splenda syrup for vanilla agave nectar!

I came across a Christian vegan website that I heard about from a friend. They have free recipes and a diet program called the Hallelujah Diet. I am encouraged that they do not use soy, as Jules is allergic. Now I was vegan about 12 years ago, about the time I started hapkido and exercising vigorously 4-5 days a week. I felt tired and weak. It could be that I was eating too many starches and sugars, and not enough veggies. I remember eating B12 fortified foods, but I don't remember taking any vitamins.

I hesitate to go vegan again because I already feel tired and weak despite eating animal products and taking prenatal vitamins and supplements. For now, I'm going to try some of the recipes in addition to eggs and small portions of meat. I have never tried greens in my smoothies- this week, I'm going to try them! Time to dig out the blender!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Julia's First Solid Food!

Today Julia turned 8 months old! I decided to wait until now to introduce solids to her since she is allergic to dairy and soy (specifically, the protein in the dairy and soy). I found some organic brown rice cereal without soy in it, and it has been sitting in my cupboard until tonight! It was quite the event!

I warmed up some breast milk and mixed into the rice cereal. I used a soft tipped spoon and matching bib to commemorate the event! I dipped the spoon into the cereal and started closing in- and to my surprise, she grabbed it and shoved it right into her mouth! The look on her face was priceless as she realized there was some icky-gooey stuff on it! Poor thing. Maybe I should have started with something like bananas or sweet potatoes. She was so tired, perhaps she'll like it better tomorrow.

God's Grace

My name is Jen. I am a new mom, newly wed, and I guess you could say, a young Christian (who is beginning to feel quite old). I have been transformed by God's amazing grace- and could write a novel about my life before and after Christ entered my life.

Lately I am struggling with trying to do too many things in my own strength. I have always been a perfectionist, I guess you could say proud, and am constantly reminded of how weak I am... especially as a sleep deprived, iron deficient, soy and dairy free breastfeeding mom!

Lamentations 3:23 says God's mercies are new every morning. Hence, the name "renewed by day." It is God's grace that holds me up and keeps me going when the going gets tough. Philippians 1:6 says, "He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." This scripture is so refreshing to me in the busyness of my day to day life. The good news of Christ is that I don't have to DO anything to add to or keep my right standing before God. Jesus has DONE all that on my behalf. So all those times I am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, and tempted to beat myself up for my bad attitude, I will remember the faithfulness of God, and His mercy demonstrated by Jesus.

It's nice to write to reflect and unwind from the stress of the day. I have much to be thankful for!