I'm taking the health "kick" to a new level! I have recently started up Tae Bo again in an effort to have more energy and fit into my closet full of too-tight clothes. Motivation does not come easily when I am tired from lack of sleep, and not feeling well from a poor diet. Well, I'm on the health wagon once again, and I'm gonna ride this one out!
Funny how exercising gives me the desire to eat more veggies and less sugar. I have tried cutting out sugar numerous times, and always relapse back into my sweet addiction. I'm not one for artificial sweeteners (or any "food" that was concocted in a laboratory). Joe affectionately calls me a hippie, but I think I made a believer out of him when I switched his vanilla splenda syrup for vanilla agave nectar!
I came across a Christian vegan website that I heard about from a friend. They have free recipes and a diet program called the Hallelujah Diet. I am encouraged that they do not use soy, as Jules is allergic. Now I was vegan about 12 years ago, about the time I started hapkido and exercising vigorously 4-5 days a week. I felt tired and weak. It could be that I was eating too many starches and sugars, and not enough veggies. I remember eating B12 fortified foods, but I don't remember taking any vitamins.
I hesitate to go vegan again because I already feel tired and weak despite eating animal products and taking prenatal vitamins and supplements. For now, I'm going to try some of the recipes in addition to eggs and small portions of meat. I have never tried greens in my smoothies- this week, I'm going to try them! Time to dig out the blender!
ReplyDeleteI have had success cutting back on sugar and salt, and have dropped 5 pounds! NICE! My first "green" smoothie this week was made with bananas, strawberries, blueberries, kale, and almond milk. I also tried banana, mango, pineapple, kale, and almond milk. Not too bad if you don't mind chewing kale in your smoothie! I just bought some frozen spinach to try in place of kale- maybe that will be smoother.
In my blending zeal, I also made hummus, and killed the blender! I put piping hot chickpeas in the blender, and it melted the little plastic thing that makes the blades spin. I had to put my smoothie-making on hold for a few days until we could fix it. My wonderful husband ordered a part online and fixed it for me today! He came to my rescue like a knight in shining armor! I love him!